If In Doubt: Whinge

If I haven't got the trappings of adulthood, I'm not going to act like one.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

£3.50 a day better off

Today I am all of the grumpy. This is in no small part due to nicotine withdrawal.

I have decided to change a habit of some 17 years and actually give up smoking (both openly and clandestinely). This decision occurred a week ago last Friday. That means I am now 11 days into being a not-presently-smoker.

And am taking it out on pretty much everyone. Especially those who have been nagging me to quit. You deserve everything you’ve got coming, you sanctimonious harping numpties.

So apologies in advance (and possibly retrospectively) to those around me if I am being a bit blunter than normal. But whatever you do, don’t get between me and snacks.

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